We have a very long list of things to do and very little time in which to do them. The days are here where we not only can, but must focus our attention solely on matters that operational in nature.
Over the course of the next week we'll be working on:
- Ensuring our employee manual is well written, easy to read, thorough, and last but by no means least, compliant with federal and state regulations.
- Drafting product knowledge guides for the fab opening staff we've hired (yes, there will be a test--so we've got work on that too).
- Assembling all other staff training materials and HR-related documentation.
- Producing and tasting samples from the kitchen (it's rare Maureen eats before 3p these days and that Tom eats all, so at the least, this guarantees something other than pure adrenaline will fuel us).
- Finalizing food and beverage product orders.
Emotionally, we are soooooo ready for this phase to end and the next to begin--the phase where we open the door and let you all in.
As a result, after tomorrow's menu teaser, posting will be sporadic for the next week to ten days, but do check back because we've only hit the pause button. There's no such thing as a full stop at Z.
And remember, you can always sign up for the newsletter if you want to be among the first to know when those doors do open. Just send an email to newsletter@zfoodanddrink.com with the word subscribe in the subject line or body to be added to our e-mailing list.
Thanks for reading and for your emails, comments, interest and support. Have a great week everybody!
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