Tuesday, October 2, 2007

End of a Blogging Era

Despite our best intentions to keep on blogging throughout the first year of Z's operation, we haven't been able to give this little bit of space on the Web the attention it deserves. We are, however, happy to have a record of what those hazy, crazy and anything-but-lazy days were like between closing the deal and the opening the doors and happier still to have been able to share it with you.

In many ways it's hard to believe that Z has been open for six months already. Sometimes it feels like yesterday that we served our first customer and others as though this is all we've ever done. Manchester has received us well and for that we're grateful. After all, we chose this city deliberately and deliberate decisions have a way of working out even better than you expected.

Quite simple, it's been extraordinary.

We hope to see you soon at our home-away-from-home and to continue sharing the extraordinary with you.

Our best,
Tom & Maureen