Friday, June 15, 2007

Seriously Sidewalk....Seating

Our patio furniture has arrived!

Seating is limited.

Berets are optional.

Mojitos just might be mandatory.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Honor Thy Papa @ Z

We'll be extending our regular Sunday service by one hour for Father's Day with family dinner going from 3:00p 'til 8:00p.

This week's Sunday dinner menu features fresh lamb, organic free-range turkey breast, and salmon as our trio of entree selections. I have heard a rumor about certain something-something for dessert, but mum's (or pop's, if we want to be strictly punny) the word.

Our Sunday dinner menu is market reactive and creatively spontaneous; posting the details in advance isn't always possible. We may, however, try to do that here or eventually over at our main Web site. If you'd like to see that happen sooner versus later, please post a comment or send an e-mail to

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Almost Forgot: Vacancy!

Maureen says:
Our upstairs unit (2nd fl) will be available to rent in early July. If you or anyone you know are interested, please send an email to Details are as follows:

  • Owner occupied, close to downtown, highway, Derryfield Park
  • 3 BR, 1 BA plus office; eat-in-kitchen w/dishwasher; approx 1600 sq. feet
  • Washer/dryer hookups (current tenant has 18 month-old washer/dryer for sale in unit)
  • All new windows
  • Off-street parking for two (2) cars
  • No smoking, no dogs
  • $1100/mo + util (gas heat, electricity), deposit (may be paid in installments)
  • One-year lease; discount for multiple-year lease
  • Will send photos via email

We are going to be replacing the carpet in the master bedroom, so tenants will need to work with us to get that done if desired move-in is prior to the July 15th.

Thank you - M&T

And We're Back

Maureen says:
Our blog hiatus is over--also, thankfully, are my carpal tunnel symptoms--and June has arrived in all its characteristic New England splendor: heat, haze and humidity; startling shifts in temperature; and thunderstorms replete with hail that, believe it or not, I missed when we lived in California.

On the Plate
We launched our Sunday Dinner program on May 20th, inspired in part Suzanne Goin's concept Sunday Suppers at Lucques (some of you may have seen her as a guest judge on season two of Bravo TV's series Top Chef).

Our version is a four-course, prix fixe meal ($28) that constantly evolves based on foods in season, local market availability and the whims of our chef. Once you select your entree course (poultry, beef or seafood), the Seriously Fun starters, salads and side dishes start coming and are served family style, as is Sous Chef Nellie Booth's dessert course.

Even though Tom and I try to sit down, no matter how late, and have dinner together on Friday and Saturday nights, it's the Sunday menu that's quickly become our personal favorite to share while we reflect on the week just past and discuss our plans for the week ahead. The menu is out of the ordinary, the ingredients couldn't be fresher and, as I've been overheard to say on occasion, it's the closest I've come to eating Tom's home cooking since opened for business (and maybe, just maybe, that's his sneaky way of getting me to work a third day on site).

We've also got another fun announcement coming up this month that isn't exactly food related. Keep your eye on the blog or sign up for the newsletter--we'll make the announcement in a few places.

On the Side
What we're reading: Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma and next up, Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

What we're watching: Not much, but the DVR is programmed to record season three of Top Chef (I am hoping that because it's based in Miami that some of the restaurants Tom and I love there are featured; during season one, a challenge was set in San Francisco's Frisson, where we celebrated the first anniversary of togetherness).

What else? I'm in the beginning stages of mapping out a book proposal (!). I committed, in writing (okay, email, but it still counts) to another writer-friend that I would, if nothing else, have the proposal completed by January. And then, when I shared the idea with a friend who's a photograph (Hi Matt!), he nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, in addition to everything else you've got going on, you should write a book."

Why the hell not.